This add-on allows merchants to implement rental or appointment functionality within their marketplace. By enabling this add-on, merchants can create rules and assign them to products, and vendors can also assign these rules to their products.
Steps to Purchase the Add-On
1. Navigate to Billings and Subscription in your account.
2. Purchase the Appointment/Rental add-on.
How to Enable the App Embed
After activating the Appointment/Rental Booking add-on, you must enable the Shipturtle Booking app embed option in the Theme customization section to display the widgets in the storefront. Follow these steps:
1. In the Shopify admin, access the Theme section under Sales Channels -> Online Store -> Themes.
2. Select the corresponding theme from the list by clicking Customize.
3. In the top left region of the Theme Customization section, click the App embeds button (third button from the vertical navigation pane).
4. Enable the app embed option for Booking Widgets.
5. Click Save to retain the Theme customization changes.
Steps to Set Up Rental/Appointment in the App
Creating Rules:
1. Navigate to Settings -> Booking Type in the Shipturtle app.
2. Click the New Booking Type button.
3. Fill in all details to create a rule. For descriptions of a particular field, click the “?" button.
4. Save the rule.
Assigning Rules to Products:
1. Open the product create or update page.
2. Find the dropdown named Booking Type and select the rule.
3. To see details of the rule, click the "i" button next to the dropdown.
4. Save the product to assign the rule to that product.
Updating and Managing Rules:
1. To change the rule on a product, update the product and select a different rule.
2. To update the rule itself, click the Edit button in Settings -> Booking Type.
3. Note: You can delete a rule, but if the rule is already applied to any product, it cannot be deleted.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to implement and manage the Appointment/Rental add-on for a streamlined booking experience on your marketplace.