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Navigating the orders page
Navigating the orders page

Understand the different elements on the orders page

Written by Yash J
Updated over 7 months ago


1. Forward orders: Orders being shipped from the merchant's or vendor's warehouse to buyers address.

2. Return orders: Orders being shipped from the buyer's address to merchant's or vendor's warehouse.

3. Return order request: Merchants receive buyer return requests in the "Return Order Request" tab, where they can approve or reject them. Once an action is taken, the request moves to the "Return Order" tab.

4. Order status tabs: Click on tabs such as "New Orders," "Confirmed," "Ready to Ship," etc., to view orders by status, or click "All Orders" to see all records.

5. Search bar and filter: Merchants and vendors can search for an order using the search bar within a specific tab. To view orders with any status, first select the "All Orders" tab and then search for the order. Filters such as vendors, shipment status, shippers, etc., can also be applied to refine the search.

6. Bulk actions: Utilize these for performing bulk actions such as assigning shippers, warehouses, generating labels, etc to multiple orders simultaneously.

7. Individual order details: Each order consists of numerous data points like Products and order value.

Understanding the different stages of an order

The below flow is designed for a product marketplace requiring shipping. The flow for a digital or services marketplace will be simpler with fewer stages. The use of this flow is optional. You can choose to ignore it and use only the "All Orders" tab.

1. New orders: Upon receiving an order in the "New Orders" tab, merchants/vendors have the option to confirm, hold, or cancel it. They can also generate shipping labels, and invoices, and send emails within this tab.

2. Confirmed: In the "Confirmed" tab, users can view the orders to be processed and fulfill them. They can also generate shipping labels, and invoices, and send emails within this tab.

3. Ready to ship: In the "Ready to Ship" tab, users can create a manifest for the orders and move them to "In Transit".

4. Pick up: Download manifests created for all orders, with each manifest corresponding to a unique combination of Shipper X Pick-up address. Users can schedule or cancel pickups for each manifest individually.

5. In Transit: Here, users can monitor the order's progress through various stages, including "Awaiting Pickup," "In Transit," "Out for Delivery," and more.

6. Delivered / Returned: "Delivered" or "Returned" serve as the logical endpoints for a shipper's journey. ShipTurtle's automated tracking system, compatible with multiple shippers, simplifies this process. Upon delivery completion, users gain access to a range of analytics for reconciling freight expenses, payment receipts, and shipping Turnaround Time (TAT).

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