To attract vendors to your Shopify Marketplace, create a registration page. This article provides a basic guide, which you can customize as needed. Once a vendor submits a request, it will be sent to your Shipturtle application for approval.
Creating a Liquid Template for Vendor Registration
1. Access the Code Editor
From your Shopify Admin panel, navigate to `Online Store -> Actions -> Edit Code`.
2. Create a New Template
Go to `Templates -> Add a new template`.
Select "Page" and name it (e.g., "registerVendor").
Click on "Create template".
3. Generate Template Code in Shipturtle
In the Shipturtle app, go to `Settings > Multi Vendor Settings > Customize Website`.
Under "Add a Vendor Registration page", click "Generate Template code".
Copy the generated code.
4. Optional: Create a Thank You Page
Create a simple “Thank You for Registering” page on your website to redirect vendors upon submission.
Enter the link to this page in the "URL to redirect when vendor is registered" box.
5. Insert the Template Code
Paste the copied code into the "registerVendor" template.
Click "Save".
6. Add Additional Script
Paste the following code in the appropriate line in the "registerVendor" file:
<script src="{{'countries-states.js'| asset_url }}" defer></script>
7. Create countries-states.js File
In the Assets directory, create a new file named `countries-states.js`.
8. Populate countries-states.js File
Download the .txt file from the "Generate Template Code" pop-up in the Shipturtle app.
Copy the code from the .txt file and paste it into the `countries-states.js` file you created.
By following these steps, you will have a functional vendor registration page on your Shopify Marketplace, integrated with the Shipturtle app for approval processing.
Creating a Vendor Registration Page
1. Create the Vendor Registration Page
Go to `Online Store -> Pages`.
Add a new page titled "Sell with us" (or any name you prefer).
Leave the Content blank.
Set the template for the page to "page.registerVendor" (the template created earlier).
2. Add the Vendor Listing Page to the Website’s Navigation
Go to `Navigation -> Menu`.
Select the menu where you want to place the Vendor listing page (e.g., "Main menu" or "Footer menu").
Click on the desired menu.
Click "Add menu item", name it (e.g., "Sell with us"), and link it to the "Sell with us" page created in Step 1.
Click "Save".
3. Match the Registration Page Format to Your Theme
If the format does not match your theme or looks poorly formatted, hire a developer to make modifications. This typically takes only a few hours.
A quick tip: Access the plain Liquid code file from your Shopify Admin panel by going to `Online Store -> Actions -> Edit Code`. Your developer will need to add a CSS file and apply it to the code.
4. Add Custom Fields to the Form
Type the desired code in the appropriate position of the .liquid file you created.
Adjust the text as needed (refer to the provided screenshot for guidance).
This additional field will be displayed in the ‘Notes’ field in the Shipturtle app.