With Shipturtle, you can configure your accounts with different shipping partners, generate labels and track. This article covers how to add shipping partners via Easypost.
Please refer to this link to check the shippers we currently support - https://www.shipturtle.com/carriers/
Step 1: Register for your account with the Shipping Partner of your choice
Shipturtle or Easypost do not own the commercials for your shipments. We do not charge you for labels but are simply providing a service for you to connect to your accounts directly. Please create an account with the Shipper you use and ask them for API credentials to access the account via apps.
Step 2: Register with Easypost
Please sign up on the Easypost website with the link provided - https://www.easypost.com/signup?utm_source=shipturtle
Setup your account by inputting your Company and Address details. You can refer to the following guide - https://www.easypost.com/getting-started
Click on “Carrier accounts” using the dropdown menu to the left
Find your Shipper and click on its icon. It will lead you to a screen or flow which is different for different services. Input API credentials for your Shipper.
Create a few test labels on Easypost to confirm your Shipper account is setup correctly and Easypost can successfully Fetch Rates and Create Labels for you.
Step 3: Integrate your Easypost accounts into Shipturtle
In your Shipturtle app, go to Settings -> Shipping Partners -> Add -> Easypost
1. Input your Easypost API creds and click “Fetch Courier accounts”
2. Add the different service types for each Shipper – You should be able to see all the shippers configured in your Easypost account. Below each Shipper, you will see a list of Service types which you can use. Please select all the ones relevant for your account and click Save. For example in the below picture, I have selected two service types – First and Express.
In case the service types you need are not visible, please write to us at [email protected]
Step 4: Pack and Ship
You will see whichever Shippers you have added in your dropdown on the Orders page. You can fetch rates, create labels and ship from there.